
Thursday, December 23, 2021

The digital economy in agriculture. Digitalization of the Agro-Industrial Complex - the need for new technologies of digital time in the agricultural sector

The digital economy in agriculture. Digitalization of the Agro-Industrial Complex - the need for new technologies of digital time in the agricultural sector

The Ministry of Agriculture invited the Government of the Russian Federation to send 152 billion rubles to create “digital twins” of Russia’s APK businesses and combine them into a single blockchain system. Large farms of the Leningrad region have already implemented electronic analysis technologies and are not ready to reveal technological secrets and knowledge. Much more interesting this project will be small farms.

“We have tractor preparation under their system, but we are not engaged in direct development - it is completely different production,” said the manager for regional sales of agricultural equipment in St. Petersburg. Petersburg Tractor Plant Ilya Razev.
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Smart Agriculture took out other farmers of the Leningrad region. In the greenhouses of AgrocoMomplex "year-round" (owned by the holding "ecoculture") Automatic systems are responsible for irrigating, observing fogging, and temperature. "The desired mode is set depending on weather conditions. Electrical installations are connected to the electronic system. , Statistics are saved by the day. If necessary, it can be downloaded and tested, "the representative of the complex said.

"This allows you to instantly monitor the parameters of raw milk and the status of the animal. Thanks to the system, we managed to reduce the cost of products by 20% \ u200b \ u200bat increase milk in average an average of 30%, "they Tell" Labianvo ".

In the tribe, tight milking robots are installed-they drive the animals through the rails. "The cost of such an installation is no different from the carousel. It also allows you to perform computer accounting and follow the performance of OTKIV," said Peter Pugachev, commercial director of Galaxy Agro (Dealer Delaval in St. Petersburg. Petersburg).
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The idea of ​​†‹Ð²Ð‚‹ the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is interesting because it will tighten weak business to a standard level says commercial director of AO Maxim Pearzhnikov. "But powerful companies and so all control this. The most important question is: How to choose specific parameters on which data should be sent to a single database of information? In our company there are no one hundred such In addition, it is necessary To clearly understand the project financing system - integration and the maintenance of analyzers and sensors requires significant costs, "he argues.

Another question for representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation: How to transfer data? Broadband internet penetration in the Russian Federation is about 55%. "In remote villages, 3G- and 4G modems are used, and not wired internet, as it is an expensive and low-cost event. The modem provides unstable internet that stops working during bad weather and peak hours. They are big risks "- Told one of the participants of the telecom market. The exit is the use of satellite technologies that provide a slower and more expensive, but stable internet.

In Europe, the introduction of new technologies in APC is also actively supported. For example, in France, the state also funds scientific centers for the development of digital solutions that are available not only to large companies but also to small farmers. Among the novelties - drones to control crops and collars for sheep, GPS motion tracking.

These technologies are already in use in Russia. Another question is that they are only available on the largest farms, and their wider implementation requires state support.

Theoretically, any future buyer will be able to scan the barcode on the pack of seeds with a smartphone and find out that in fact, it is not purple hyacinths, as indicated on the package, and roses, and submit to the seller. But apart from the benefits for the final consumer, the primary value is for the state to provide food security and transparency of seed returns, as the gray market is often underestimated.

But, if a step-by-step to translate to digital economic rails, these problems will be solved. Tortured trading networks? Smart contracts can form clear rules of the game between suppliers and retailers. Lack of volume? Sick aggregators that can combine farmers under one brand, as it was once made Finnish Valio. Tuned for inspection? Suppose that the cow checks are not under the tail, and on their monitor - all indicators are displayed in real-time. When every grain into account, the attitude of workers to work changes. You look, the entrepreneurial veil is coming back, seemingly lost in 70 years of collective farming.

The blockchain is good and no longer worth the transcendental money. The problem is different - is it a political system? It was impossible to digitalize the economy, and the law enforcement system was left without reform. It is impossible to increase business transparency and deny both judicial and electoral systems. So far, not everyone is aware. And well, maybe. After all, if the blockchain has time to implement - it's too late to change it.

The government has introduced a “Digital Agriculture” project. About this "Russian newspaper" reported in the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. The project prepared by the ministry should contribute to the rapid transformation of agriculture. It is planned that thanks to the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions at APC, a technological breakthrough will take place, and productivity in the “digital” agricultural business will increase twice by 2021.

The main innovations of the project are the digital platform "Digital Agriculture", which is an electronic platform for a large amount of data on Russian agricultural resources. “The project algorithm implies that producers will provide information in exchange for the proposed subsidies, explained the Ministry of Agriculture, - most of the project budget is planned to be sent in the form of providing support to investment farms in their own modernization. "

Three comprehensive digital solutions will also be developed, which are planned to be widely implemented at APC. First, the "Smart Farm" is a completely independent, robotic agricultural object for animal breeding (meat, dairy) in automatic mode, which does not require human participation (operator, animal, or veterinarian). According to the Ministry of Agriculture, smart farm analyzes the economic feasibility of production, consumer activity, the level of the general health of the population of the region, and other economic indicators. For this, it uses artificial intelligence, the internet of things, big data, neural networks. Based on the analysis, the farm makes a decision, what types and breeds of animals (with specified qualitative and quantitative indicators) should be bred. "The introduction of such technologies will help increase the level of production and consumption of dairy products in Russia. Developing farms with automated control systems whose parameters vary depending on the microclimate and state of the animals on farms, we can improve the quality of milk in the class "Extra" and ensure stable growth of productive dairy, "consider the ministry.

The second is the “smart field”. It is an intelligent system that automatically analyzes information about the state of Agrobiocenosis, implements management solutions, and implements them in a robotic technical way. “The system analyzes the climatic conditions of the soil, determines the choice of cultures, depending on the target functions (maximizing products or yields, economic restrictions), dictates the food lifestyle of the plant, performs phytosanitary activities and removal work.

Third, the "smart greenhouse" is autonomous, robotic, and isolated from the external influence of agricultural objects to produce crop production in automatic mode, the maximum minimizing participation of the operator, agronomist, and engineer. “The system optimizes the economics of the object, taking into account consumer costs and activity, complying with environmental and sanitary and sanitary regulations, using digital technologies, taking into account agroecological analysis, "specialists. - The introduction of such technologies will ensure stable growth of crop production. In protected soil, obtains highly competitive substrates and fertilizers reduce the energy intensity of production and increase the nutritional value of vegetables. "

Systematic continuous training of sectoral specialists with digital economy capabilities will also be provided with the introduction of a unique sectoral electronic educational environment.

In Russia, trends in the use of digital technologies correspond to world trends - this increase in the volume of agricultural production and an increase in the profitability of the industry. Now, when technologies have evolved, fallen, and significantly advanced, it has become easier to achieve this than ever before, Alexander Lopukhov, Deputy Director-General of Crook: “Among the relevant decisions that our customers from apk sector are already in use-industrial Internet, robotics, virtual reality, big data analytics, and forecasting. For example, thanks to the technologies of the industrial internet of things (IoT), the agro-industrial enterprise can now receive information on fundamentally new levels about each agricultural object and its surroundings. It enters A single field of information from different devices: sensors and sensors equipped with agrotechnical, video cameras installed on drones and satellites, or from other external information systems. "

So far, Russia in terms of digitalization in agriculture takes only 15th place in the world, only 10 percent of passengers are processed using digital technologies.

Prospects for the digitalization of agriculture and internet projects of things

Thus, in Russia, there is the potential for a significant increase in consumption volumes and increase in production of basic food products.

To achieve at least a minimally sufficient level of consumption of essential agricultural products in Russia (meat, milk, fruit, vegetables) in the current situation, it is necessary to a significant reduction in retail prices for these products. without deteriorating their quality.

In favor of this withdrawal, it is important to note that for most market services and goods of mass consumption is characterized by nonlinear elasticity of demand for a price. That is, a reduction in the price of goods, for example, twice leads to an increase in consumption of this product in physical terms more than double, and to an increase in consumption in monetary terms (area under the curve in Fig.), despite the double decline in prices.

In the current economic situation, digitalization will definitely ensure a reduction in the cost and final price of food, if the "relevant" is not only the processes within the agricultural production cycle but also the suppliers of raw materials, sales, logistics, transportation links. It is possible to rebuild established relationships and even exclude intermediate links from the value chain added on the way to the consumer.

Through automation is a higher level of digital integration, which affects the most complex changes in the business organization, but their implementation can radically affect the revenue and competitiveness of products and the company as a whole.

Without deterioration of product quality, it is 2-3 times to reduce the selling margin for wholesale and retail food.

More than three times to increase the amount of food consumption in Russia in physical terms to the existing income level of the population.

To increase the productivity of agricultural labor and reduce the cost of products produced, increasing the marginality of agricultural producers of business due to:

Accelerated the final consumer shipping process, making it possible to simplify conservation technologies and reduce logistics costs.

Enhance the level of mechanization and automation to a moderate level even small farms and individual farms, which becomes possible when moving to a cloud model of consumption automation

Lease business model applications instead of purchasing mechanized payment technology on the actual volume of consumption or through the collective use of technology (Uber for tractors). Provide consumers with products with measurable and controlled properties (information about used seeds made of fertilizers, preservatives, etc. at all stages of production and sales), which will allow special prices to sell products made of special needs (for diet food, baby food, environmentally friendly, etc.).

Implement elements of automated resource management and reduce the influence of the human factor at all stages of production and sale of agricultural products. This allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of growing and processing plants, the use of fertilizers and chemicals, by 30-40% reduce fuel costs, reduce losses when harvesting.

Implement predictive management models with a full value-added chain: from the production of seeds, fertilizers, agricultural equipment, before the production of agricultural products and its sales, when all participants in the chain are likely enough to predict the demand for their products.

Significantly reduce the risks of lending to agricultural producers, and thus reduce bank loans that significantly affect the cost of production.

Features of digitalization of agribusiness in Russia.

At the end of November, the Ministry of Agriculture announced the new program "Digital Agriculture". His goal is to ensure technological success in APC through the introduction of digital technologies in agriculture. It is assumed that this will increase the labor productivity of agricultural enterprises twice by 2021. And some steps in this direction have already been made Full information on land, boundaries, relevant values, as well as a reminder of taxes, Information about benefits, and much more can be obtained electronically in the state market. And it further simplifies the work of agricultural services, it allows you to monitor the situation on land plots in their regions. According to conference participants, this is a positive result of digitalization.

But not everyone is logical and efficient in other directions of informatization of agribusiness in Russia. For example, in yield mapping. In theory, it looks simple: tractor, sprayer, combines special sensors. The information from the sensors is entered into a single system, is analyzed, then a harvest map of the fields in which the agronomist works. In practice, it turned out that there was a significant problem. Sensors installed on combined, tractors and other agricultural machinery, as a rule, require calibration and verification. To carry out technical operations without anyone on the farms. And the invitation of a specialist for performing such works is not available to anything. In this situation, small and medium farms go to a more economical approach using ready-made satellite images or shot from drones. Snapshots can be obtained throughout the growing season, check the NDVI index (normalized difference in vegetation index)-a normalized relative vegetation of plants, which can be judged on the development of biomass plants in plant season. And one more additional information was collected by freely available means. In this situation, small and medium farms go to a more economical approach using ready-made satellite images or shot from drones. Snapshots can be obtained throughout the growing season, check the NDVI index (normalized difference in vegetation index)-a normalized relative vegetation of plants, which can be judged on the development of biomass plants in plant season. And one more additional information was collected by freely available means. In this situation, small and medium farms go to a more economical approach using ready-made satellite images or shot from drones. Snapshots can be obtained throughout the growing season, check the NDVI index (normalized difference in vegetation index)-a normalized relative vegetation of plants, which can be judged on the development of biomass plants in plant season. And one more additional information was collected by freely available means. check the index of NDVI (normalized difference in vegetation index)-a normalized relative vegetation of vegetation, which can be judged on the development of vegetation biomass during vegetation. And one more additional information was collected by freely available means. check the index of NDVI (normalized difference in vegetation index)-a normalized relative vegetation of vegetation, which can be judged on the development of vegetation biomass during vegetation. And one more additional information was collected by freely available means.

Translator for the Farmer.

And the digitalization of agriculture has become an additional incentive for such growth. Thus, the company "Agrodrongroup", engaged in drones, instead quickly expanded the range of services by creating its own algorithm for transferring the received aerial retrieval data in an agronomist language.

The agronomic aerial photography market and in Russia, and other countries, much broader than the cartography market. The field map is usually done once every 5-10 years, and the shooting of the plants is from five to twenty times for the agricultural season, depending on the depth of the technology. The transfer of information from digital media to a clear agricultural language is in demand in many countries. The company "Agodrongroup" has created, patented, and brought to market an interpretational algorithm that interested farmers from many countries. The algorithm was created after numerous field studies of the southern and central districts of Russia. Comparing measurements from the drone, as well as laboratory and field measurements,

The developed algorithm calculates a specific nitrogen content. And this is the agronomic parameter that the farmer can work with.

The company plans to create a cloud service where it is possible to download its data obtained on professional flights from the fields, and then retrieve them in the form of self-explanatory personal information.

Consulting as a new trend

About how the company for the production and sale of fertilizers came to agronomical consulting, Dmitry Sheller, a representative of Kemerovo Nitrogen, spoke at the conference.

Obviously, it is necessary to earn not only in the implementation of fertilizers but also in related services: agriculture, provision of chemicals, analysis and sampling, agrochemical analysis of soil.

The methodology of the agronomic consulting company developed over several years. In six regions there are agronomist consultants equipped with modern equipment. Additionally, in the central office, there are professional agrochemists and agronomists who are immediately responsible for requests from farms. Advisers for the order of farms can inspect the fields, determine the humidity level, soil temperature, to conduct other express tests with GPS validity. Only in the Kemerovo region in such a service system handed over the owners of more than 40 thousand hectares. On average, each consultant can deliver up to 50,000 acres.

The practice of applying agronomic consulting, it seems, will grow. Because Russia has now felt a strong shortage of professional agronomists. And new technical abilities allow the farm quickly and efficiently, giving him all the necessary information.
Differentiated fertilization

In almost all documents on the development of agriculture in Russia - doctrines, plans, programs - are mentioned differentiated fertilizer. But in this direction, as the discussion showed at the conference, not everything was unclear. With the idea of ​​†‹Ð²Ð‚‹ making fertilizers, taking into account the characteristics of cultures and fields, everyone agrees. And the ability to develop fertility cards in Russia every year is becoming more and more. Laboratories for soil agrochemical studies are becoming more. Experts advise when choosing a laboratory to pay attention to their technical and personnel provisions, a clear observance of GOST procedures during research.

Having received the result of high-quality soil analysis, agronomy can create a differentiated fertilization plan. But it is difficult to implement such a plan, and often simply impossible. The whole thing in technique. The main technical solutions for various fertilization on the market are on the market, and Russian specialists know about them. But the price of this procedure is quite high. If you make fertilizers with standard spreaders on many farms, you should not wait for a good result. When leveling fertility, the results are better, but they are also far from expected.

Russian specialists are engaged in the problem of differential fertilizer, believing that it is necessary to combine the exact manufacture of sensors made for machines from other industries and establish them on the machines. in agriculture. Negotiations have now been held with several sensor manufacturers to test them on the nearest farm.

The third international agricultural conference "exchange of experiments in the field of plant growing and nutrition of plants", "Needles," showed that Russia's agribusiness will have to solve many other different problems in the path of its digitalization and increase profitability. Perhaps the solution of these tasks will help create the first in Russia of the Sectoral Electronic Educational System "Earth of Knowledge", which will begin work from next year. As stated in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in 2019-2021, 55,000 specialists of domestic agricultural enterprises will be trained in the capabilities of the digital economy.

Digital technology in the agricultural sector

Today, the opportunities for the modernization of the Agro-Industrial Complex are enormous: World agriculture is turning from traditional to high-tech industry, with the ability to create new markets for innovative solutions and developments.

Digitalization in the agricultural sphere reduces risks, adapts to climate change, increases the yield of crops. Reducing the cost of production of products, improving its quality and competitiveness based on efficient use of resources and a scientific-based approach is the main task of digitalization.

Providing the necessary information of agricultural producers will reduce costs for buying and selling, simplify the supply chain of the product from the field to the consumer, to reduce the deficit in a qualified workforce.

Work without digitalization will lose competition around the world. In order to remain competitive in the market, it is necessary to anticipate product proposals depending on the needs and preferences of consumers. To create the right management solution, agricultural producers must have digital technologies, such as satellite images, high-tech sensors, mobile applications, and GPS systems.

The experience of countries with a developed agrarian sphere indicates that the introduction of IT technologies in production has reduced unplanned costs by up to 20%: using available mobile or online applications, the data obtained from equipment, sensors, drones, satellites, and other external applications are used. Getting the optimal solution. New technologies allow you to track all the way to promote the product from the field to the consumer, ensuring its quality and ensuring customer needs.

Digitalization will be a key tool for the development of key directions for the restructuring of the Agro-Industrial Complex, including the availability of funding for APC subjects, the availability of sales markets, and the development of exports. . The digitalization of the Agro-Industrial Complex will help increase the competitiveness and productivity of labor, ensure food safety and attract investment in the industry.

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