
Friday, December 31, 2021

Types Of Agriculture

Types Of Agriculture

Types Of Agriculture

  • Areas of agriculture or agribusiness

  • Agricultural production

  • New fields of activity in agriculture

  • Study of Agriculture or Agricultural Economics

  • Training at technical schools

  • Job titles in job advertisements

  • Employers in agriculture or agribusiness

  • Income in agriculture

Areas of agriculture or agribusiness

There are several sub-sectors in agriculture or agribusiness. Because agricultural production covers farming, fruit growing, vegetable growing, viticulture and hop growing, the use of grassland and the cattle, pig and poultry farming and breeding. Another function of agriculture in recent times: fields and agriculturally used areas supply numerous industries with renewable raw materials, above all, they make an even greater contribution to the energy supply.

Run a farm

To the traditional tasks of agriculture it belongs, to create agricultural and animal economical products to, store, preserve, and promote. The companies, whether family-run small companies or large industrial companies, largely determine for themselves which sub-sectors they concentrate on or which they combine.

Running a farm of any size also requires typical business management tasks such as cost calculation, invoicing, keeping stable books as well as feed and consumption records, monitoring price developments on regional, national or global markets, and other administrative activities.

New fields of activity in agriculture

The newer fields of activity in agriculture include the production of renewable raw materials and their energetic utilization. Many agricultural businesses are also producers of raw materials, for example, vegetable oil for biodiesel and bioethanol, and operators of power plants (biogas plants).

Since the range of fields of activity in agriculture is large, there are many professional access routes from special training to different courses of study.

Study of Agriculture or Agricultural Economics

Among the higher education courses, the study of agriculture should be mentioned in particular. Large companies in particular now require a degree to be able to work in management. There is a tendency for the number of job vacancies for trained agricultural economists and farmers to increase since industrial agricultural production with its various sales markets increasingly requires specialists with business and production-related knowledge.

Almost all universities that offer a course in agriculture enable the graduation to become a bachelor's degree in agriculture or agriculture. Depending on the course of study, there is the possibility of specializing in individual areas such as animal production, poultry farming, vegetable growing, sales, or corporate management. The business management knowledge acquired during the course also enables you to take over a farm or to take on a management position in a large company in the agricultural sector.

Training at technical schools

Farmer is a recognized training occupation that is one of the best-known green professions, alongside the agricultural service specialist, animal farmer, and plant technologist. The training is regulated nationwide. It lasts three years and is completed on a farm. State-certified farmers work on their own farms or as employees in a company. Both the farmers and skilled professionals for the agricultural service can specialize professionally, for example as an Agricultural master, agricultural service master, or animal management master.

Those who aspire to a management position as a farmer with vocational training can gain further qualifications at agricultural technical schools, for example in the fields of agricultural technology or agricultural business administration. There is a large selection of advanced training courses at technical schools, ranging from certified specialist agronomists for tree care (Bachelor Professional) or insemination to specialist agronomists for direct agricultural marketing.

Another, frequently requested training occupation is the state-certified agricultural business economist. This school-based further training is offered at agricultural technical schools, for which different access rules apply to depend on the federal state: Many require a qualification in a recognized agricultural training occupation as well as professional experience. In some federal states, the qualification as a state-certified economist in the field of agriculture must be acquired before continuing education to become an agricultural business economist.

Depending on the federal state, the training lasts between one and three years. The prospective agricultural economists learn, among other things, corporate management, management, physics, the technology of agricultural production, construction science, work theory as well as vocational and work pedagogy. Information is provided by the chambers of agriculture in the federal states.

Job titles in job advertisements

As diverse as the access routes and tasks in agriculture are, as diverse are the job titles. Many employers only use the term farmer in job advertisements as a generic term. Most of the time, they combine this information with a further description that provides information about what the profile of the employee you are looking for should look like. The exact reading of the job posting does not only tell you what activities and what responsibilities applicants expect, but also whether professional training or study is required. A selection of job titles:

  • Agricultural business economist

  • agricultural manager (HS)

  • Farm manager for agricultural business

  • Administrator in agriculture

  • Agricultural Engineer (University of Applied Sciences)

  • Agricultural engineer (FS) - animal production or animal farmer

  • Agricultural service specialist

  • State-certified economist / specializing in agriculture

Agriculture or agribusiness as an employer

The employers in agriculture or agriculture include family farms as well as large-scale agricultural enterprises. Also, special crops in crop production, agricultural cooperatives, or agricultural engineering services companies looking for permanent employees.

Companies include Alta Genetics Inc, KWS, and KTG Agrar.

Income in agriculture

The level of income depends on the one hand on training and on the other hand on the type of employer ( family business, leased business, large business ). In addition, not all employers have a collective agreement. Individual collective agreements can be compared in the tariff database of the Federal Statistical Office. Depending on the state, industry, and collective agreement, the salary in agriculture can be lower or higher

Agricultural employees with a university degree, which also enables them to run a business, receive a gross salary of EUR 3,555 per month. In companies bound by collective agreements, employees also receive bonuses for overtime, night work, work on Sundays and public holidays, in some cases also special payments such as the 13th monthly salary, vacation pay, and capital-building benefits.

What is clear is the content in the numerous sub-sectors shows depending on qualifications and activities a large range, it may be between 1,360 euros (minimum wage since January 1, 2015 tariff unbound enterprises) and 4,000 euros are gross.

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