
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Digital Agriculture Feeding the future


Digital Agriculture Feeding the future

Digital Agriculture Feeding the future

Most farmers today make decisions, such as how much fertilizer to use, based on a combination of rough measurements, experience, and advice. Once an action is identified, it is applied, but results are usually not seen until harvest. In contrast, a digital farming system collects data more frequently and more accurately, often along with external sources (such as weather information).

The data collected is analyzed and interpreted to help the farmer make smarter and more accurate decisions. These decisions can be made quickly and accurately using robotics and advanced technology, and farmers will receive real-time feedback on the impact of their actions. Technologies The technologies used include sensors, communication networks, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and other advanced machines, and are often based on the principles of the Internet of Things. Each brings something of value to agriculture, from data collection, processing, and processing to guidance and training. This integrated system offers new ideas that enhance decision-making and execution skills. It brings significant benefits to farmers and wider social benefits around the world. It also allows companies to share their knowledge across traditional industry boundaries, creating revolutionary new opportunities. obstacles Digital agriculture may change the way food is produced around the world, but the strategy is still very innovative, costs are high, and details of long-term benefits are rarely available.

Some sample applications ... fish farming Factors such as soil pollution (rain drift) and disease affect yields in different ways. Oyster farming is an example. Tech company The Yield has partnered with Bosch to help Tasmanian oyster growers overcome these challenges using sensors, predictive analytics, and an intuitive user interface. This allows for more accurate estimates of when water pollution is too great or when the disease is approaching so that farmers can take action to reduce oyster loss. Reduce your consumption of potatoes and water. PepsiCo has been able to reduce water demand in potato planting by 26% over the past decade. One way to do this is to identify wastewater sources for reuse in irrigation. They also monitor soil moisture, compare it to weather forecasts, and determine better irrigation levels. This will improve water stability and availability in drought-prone countries. A salad that helps people with kidney disease, For example, too much potassium in foods made from vegetables rich in potassium is detrimental to the health of people with kidney disease. This is a growing problem in countries like Japan, where 10% of the population suffers from chronic kidney disease. Fujitsu has partnered with Microsoft and others to grow salads that contain less than 80% potassium of conventionally grown lettuce and closely monitor growing conditions. This work enriches nutrition and demonstrates how sensors, analytics, and data visualization can develop a system for improving farming practices.

Promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Digital agriculture can support the development of many SBAs. SDG 2 No Hunger Make smarter farming decisions by supporting generations of locals with detailed real-time environmental data. Increasing yields per hectare and reducing production losses to improve food security and increase food production are needed to keep pace with population growth. Increased transparency


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