
Thursday, April 28, 2022

What is organic farming? Definition and examples of organic farming

What is organic farming? Definition and examples of organic farming

 What is organic farming? Definition and examples of organic farming

You must understand that organic farming involves the use of special cultivation practices that ensure maximum protection of the environment and nature. Producers of organic farm products use only biological substances to fertilize and protect their plants and crops. In particular, they use manure, compost, and special organic fertilizers.

This approach to farming requires an impressive effort and also leads to a significant decrease in yield. However, producers of organic products benefit from selling at a higher cost.

Definition of organic farming

According to the Decree of the European Parliament of April 27, 2018, adopted in Brussels, organic farming is a common management system for farms and food production, which combines the best practices for environmental and climate impact, a high level of biological diversity, conservation of natural resources, application of high standards of animal handling and high standards of production by the demand of a growing number of consumers for products made using natural substances and natural processes.

Organic farmers are trying to limit the list of products used, using only environmentally friendly methods in everyday life and work. So, for example, when it comes to soil management, organic farmers rely mainly on crop rotation to minimize nutrient deficiencies in the soil. In other words, they use organic manure in amounts specified by law, as well as nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

As for weed control, they use mulching, hand weeding, and tillage. In many cases, they remove weeds with special equipment designed specifically for organic farming. Organic farmers try to reduce the use of synthetic chemicals as much as possible. Thus, to protect the crop, they mainly resort to measures such as traps and natural enemies (predators) of pests of their crop.

How can I get an organic farming certification?

In each country, the definition of organic farming is described and defined by law, and any commercial use of the term "organic" is subject to government control. There are specific actions that every potential organic farmer must take (and avoid) to be certified. Even a slight deviation from the law may lead to the termination of this certificate.

If you are interested in organic farming, you can contact the certification body in your area. If you meet the standards, after a certain period (for example, 3-4 years if you grow trees), you will receive the appropriate permission from the authorities. Those farmers who actually follow the rules and also sell their products as "organic" can use a special label on their packaging, which allows them to raise the sale price.

Principles of organic farming

According to IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements), the principles of organic farming are as follows:

Organic farming must maintain and enhance the health of the soil, plants, animals, and humans as a whole.

Organic farming must build on, work with, emulate, and support living ecological systems and cycles.

Organic agriculture must be based on relationships that ensure fairness in the environment and life processes.

Organic agriculture must do everything to protect the health and well-being of present and future generations and the environment.

The main tasks of organic farming are:

Production of safe and healthy food, free from agrochemicals and chemicals

General environmental protection through sustainable management (protection of soil, aquifers, and ensuring biological diversity)

A sustainable approach to the use of energy and natural resources (such as water, soil, organic matter)

Maintaining and increasing the fertility and biological activity of the soil

Protecting the health of farmers from exposure to harmful chemicals.

Ensuring animal welfare.

The exact rules and legislation regarding production methods and control measures for organic products depend on national legislation and may differ from country to country.

However, some basic rules and practices of organic farming are listed below:

What is organic farming? Definition and examples of organic farming

Examples of organic farming:

Crop rotation (rejection of monoculture, which gradually leads to soil degradation),

Use of green (ecological) manure

Use of manure and crop residues (compost)

Recycling of organic materials

Use of alternative plant protection products (natural enemies) and food

Use of local animal species and local animal breeds adapted to specific local conditions

Maintaining a high level of animal quality of life

The general philosophy of organic farming

As a general philosophy, a potential organic farmer should fully understand and accept the concept of a closed natural ecosystem (with minimal use of external funds) and try to use first the healthy and wholesome ingredients that already exist in the ecosystem. By this, we mean that the organic farm is treated as a separate ecosystem with very few additional resources. The vast majority of elements are recycled within the farm's ecosystem, ensuring sustainability. Let's say we run an organic olive orchard. After pruning, instead of removing the cut branches or burning them (as is usually the case in agriculture), organic farmers chop them up with special equipment, destroy the branches of the tree, and pour the sawdust onto the soil. This state of affairs has a beneficial effect because it has been found that for every 1000 kg of olive wood (moisture 50%) included in the soil, 4 kg of nitrogen, 0.5 kg of phosphorus, 4 kg of potassium, 5 mg of calcium and 1 kg of magnesium are added. (Amirante et al., 2002). This approach reduces the need for additional chemical fertilizers, most of which are not allowed for use in organic farming. In this way, we can reduce the number of external elements and also promote recycling within the olive orchard. Not to mention that there are times when tree branches must be immediately removed from an organic garden, for example when the wood is infested with various pests or diseases. included in the soil, add 4 kg of nitrogen, 0.5 kg of phosphorus, 4 kg of potassium, 5 mg of calcium, and 1 kg of magnesium (Amirante et al., 2002). This approach reduces the need for additional chemical fertilizers, most of which are not allowed for use in organic farming. In this way, we can reduce the number of external elements and also promote recycling within the olive orchard. Not to mention that there are times when tree branches must be immediately removed from an organic garden, for example when the wood is infested with various pests or diseases. included in the soil, add 4 kg of nitrogen, 0.5 kg of phosphorus, 4 kg of potassium, 5 mg of calcium, and 1 kg of magnesium (Amirante et al., 2002). This approach reduces the need for additional chemical fertilizers, most of which are not allowed for use in organic farming. In this way, we can reduce the number of external elements and also promote recycling within the olive orchard. Not to mention that there are times when tree branches must be immediately removed from an organic garden, for example when the wood is infested with various pests or diseases. most of which are not allowed for use in organic farming. In this way, we can reduce the number of external elements and also promote recycling within the olive orchard. Not to mention that there are times when tree branches must be immediately removed from an organic garden, for example when the wood is infested with various pests or diseases. most of which are not allowed for use in organic farming. In this way, we can reduce the number of external elements and also promote recycling within the olive orchard. Not to mention that there are times when tree branches must be immediately removed from an organic garden, for example when the wood is infested with various pests or diseases.

Understanding the danger and the need to prevent pollution

Some of the practices used in the fields of a neighboring farm may result in contamination of the organic farm. For example, you may experience pollution if you have a typical farmer living near you who applies pesticides on a windy day. However, you must understand that pollution does not only come from pesticides. Even during pruning or harvesting, there is an increased risk of contaminating the soil or water source just when you use the equipment (for example, in the event of an engine oil leak). Each farm must be sure to take into account all the risks that can cause contamination of an organic farm to take appropriate measures.

To avoid pesticide contamination from a neighboring farm, farmers may consider using natural hedges. Planting this type of plant allows the farmer to create a protected area and reduce the risk of pesticide contamination. In addition, the farmer can use a sewage disposal system. This method will reduce the risk of pesticide contamination from wastewater. It is worth noting separately that GMOs are also one of the risk factors when it comes to organic farming. It is very important to study the history of crops in those fields that are intended for organic farming. Promising fields for organic farming should have a crop history that has never used GMOs. In addition, farmers may consider using untreated seeds. It is worth noting separately that seeds should be purchased from a merchant who does not produce genetically modified crops. Finally, all harvesting tools and cultivation equipment, as well as all transport and storage facilities that are used in organic farming, should not be used by ordinary farmers to avoid an increased risk of contamination. It is worth noting that the proposed option is approximate, and you cannot use it without taking into account the current state of your soil. You can seek advice from local authorities or a certification company. which are used in organic farming should not be used by conventional farmers to avoid an increased risk of contamination. It is worth noting that the proposed option is approximate, and you cannot use it without taking into account the current state of your soil. You can seek advice from local authorities or a certification company. which are used in organic farming should not be used by conventional farmers to avoid an increased risk of contamination. It is worth noting that the proposed option is approximate, and you cannot use it without taking into account the current state of your soil. You can seek advice from local authorities or a certification company.

Fertilizers in organic farming

Most chemical fertilizers (eg mineral nitrogen fertilizers) are not allowed in organic farming. Only those fertilizers that have been approved for use in organic farming are allowed.

However, we understand that a high level of soil fertility is vital for plant growth. You must understand that nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the most essential elements during the vegetative stages of plant growth. Considering that we cannot use classic fertilizers, it is worth choosing favor of the following types:

green manure

Green manure production begins with the sowing of an annual or perennial plant (alfalfa and others) in the field. This technique improves soil fertility and structure. It increases water absorption and soil moisture levels. In addition, this technique is also used as a weed control method. Nitrogen-fixing plants such as alfalfa, creeping clover, lupine, pea, chickpea, and others are widely used in this field. In addition, many use cereals such as oats and barley. Because these plants (especially legumes) absorb a significant amount of nutrients, their application to the soil gives the plants access to nutrients. If you decide to use this technique, then you must opt ​​for plants that do not fall into the category of genetically modified organisms.

What is organic farming? Definition and examples of organic farming


Composting is a natural process in which certain groups of microorganisms, such as bacteria, convert organic matter into humus. After processing is completed, compost is produced.

We have a universal way to create a natural fertilizer with excellent properties. However, you should check with your local licensed agronomist before applying the compost.


Another way of organic fertilization is the use of manure. Usually, animal manure from organic farms is used. The manure should rot well, after which it can be spread around the plants.

Other farmers cover the soil surface with dead plant material to improve soil fertility and control weeds. This method is known as mulching.

It is generally forbidden to use hydroponics in the production of organic products. Hydroponics is a method where growers do not use soil to grow their plants. Instead, they use an inert medium enriched with nutrient solutions into which they place the roots of their plants. According to the authorities of most countries, organic crops should be grown on living soil. However, the United States authorities have allowed some hydroponic farms to label their products as organic.

Plant Protection and Weed Control in Organic Farming: Pest and Disease Control in Organic Farming

Chemical pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides are not used in organic farming unless they have been approved for use in organic farming. Ecological approaches help prevent outbreaks of pests and diseases.

Prevention of any damage caused by pests, diseases, or weeds is primarily based on the following techniques:

Use of natural enemies (eg ladybugs)

Selection of resistant species and varieties

The all-rounder

Proper growing practices such as pruning when it comes to growing trees.

Sowing certain plants (e.g. peas) between main crops. Some plants (such as peas and some types of trefoil) are famous for naturally suppressing weed growth.

In addition, farmers can choose a planting time that will prevent pest outbreaks and improve soil health. In addition, disease-free seeds and planting materials are needed. As a general rule, organic farmers are encouraged to select local seeds or species that do well in local conditions.

Growing cattle on an organic farm

Organic animal husbandry focuses on animal welfare and the creation of sustainable production methods.

At the same time, livestock farms meet the high-quality standards of animal life. Participation in organic animal husbandry implies strict adherence to certain rules. These rules protect the dignity of animals, their welfare and nutritional needs, and ensure public confidence.

To meet all these requirements, organic livestock must be raised on organic farms and fed with organic feed. In other words, all the ingredients that make up the food must be organic. In addition, many farmers grow their feed crops to make sure the feed is organic.

Thus, in many cases, they choose only native species. This is very important to keep the animals in excellent condition. Therefore, staff should have all the necessary basic knowledge and skills in animal health and safety. In most cases, no animal should be kept in cages or crates. Animals must be able to go outside the farm and have access to pasture. Birds should have access to an open area for a significant part of their lives (contact your local authority or certification company). In organic farming, some animals must live in the same communities as in nature. Isolation is not allowed unless required by the need for protection. However, even in this case, isolation should only occur for a limited period.

Substances such as hormones, growth factors, and synthetic amino acids are prohibited in organic animal husbandry. We know that in conventional farming, growers can use hormone therapy to achieve optimal reproduction rates. An organic farmer may not do so unless the use of such substances is part of the veterinary treatment of the individual animal. In this case, the animal must be kept in isolation in sufficiently large rooms equipped with straw or bedding. You can request additional information from your local authorities or local certification body.

Organic beekeeping

Organic beekeeping can be more difficult than organic livestock. This is because we cannot completely control the bees, so we will not be able to prevent them from collecting nectar from ordinary farms. However, there are some things a beekeeper should do to reduce this possibility.

First of all, organic beekeepers should consider locating apiaries in areas that produce nectar and pollen from mostly organic crops. In this way, we minimize the risk of infection. In case additional feeding is needed (only if the survival of the colony is threatened due to lack of natural resources), you can only use organic food (honey or sugar).

At the end of the season, enough honey and pollen should be left in the hives so that the bees can survive through the winter. Producers cannot use synthetic chemical repellents during honey extraction operations. As for the treatment of bee diseases, most chemicals cannot be used either. In some cases, certain substances (certified organic) may be allowed in cases of varroa infestation. You can request additional information from your local authorities or local certification body.

Conclusion: To be or not to be (in the world of organic farming)?

The decision to choose organic farming is not easy, both environmentally and financially. Some farmers choose organic farming because it fits well with their natural food philosophy. However, a significant proportion of organic farmers made their choice after calculating income and expenses. Some farmers will not be able to compete on cost with other farms. Their acreage may be too small, and they may not have enough experience to control all costs and produce a quality product at an attractive price. Thus, many farmers choose organic farming, relying on quality. They want to produce quality goods in small quantities that will be sold at a high cost. Some of them succeed and some fail. In any case, work in this industry requires certain knowledge and experience, without which success will simply be impossible.

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